Stephanie Poetri《I Love You 3000》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

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Stephanie Poetri《I Love You 3000》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

2023-08-23 10:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

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Stephanie Poetri - I Love You 3000

Baby take my hand 宝贝 牵我的手 I want you to be my husband 我想你做我老公 'Cause you're my Iron Man 因为你就是我心中的钢铁侠 And I love you 3000 爱你三千遍 Baby take a chance 宝贝 抓住机会 冒险一试 'Cause I want this to be something 因为我想要这段感情成为经典 Straight out of a Hollywood movie 就像好莱坞的电影一样 I see you standing there 我看见你站在那里 In your hulk outerwear 穿着绿巨人浩克的外套 And all I can think 我想的全是 Is where is the ring 你把戒指藏在哪里了 'Cause I know you wanna ask 因为我知道你想要问我 Scared the moment will pass 害怕那段美妙时光转瞬即逝 I can see it in your eyes 你的眼神流露出一切 Just take me by surprise 让我惊诧不已 And all my friends they tell me they see 我所有的朋友告诉我他们知道的 You planning to get on one knee 你在计划着向我单膝下跪 But I want it to be out of the blue 但我希望哪一天的到来时出乎意料的 So make sure I have no clues 所以请不要让我知道任何细节 When you ask 在你开始前 Baby take my hand 宝贝 牵我的手 I want you to be my husband 我想你做我老公 'Cause you're my Iron Man 因为你就是我心中的钢铁侠 And I love you 3000 爱你三千遍 Baby take a chance 宝贝 抓住机会 冒险一试 'Cause I want this to be something 因为我想要这段感情成为经典 Straight out of a Hollywood movie 就像好莱坞的电影一样 Now we're having dinner 此刻我们正享用晚餐 And baby you're my winner 宝贝 你就是我的奖品 I see the way you smile 看你的笑容我就知道 You're thinking about the aisle 你在想着我向你走近的通道 You reach in your pocket 你的手伸向了口袋 Emotion unlocking 我快控制不住自己了 And before you could ask 在你开口之前 I answer too fast 我飞快地回答 And all my friends they tell me they see 我所有的朋友告诉我他们知道的 Tell me they see 告诉我他们知道的 You planning to get on one knee 你在计划着向我单膝下跪 So now I can't stop thinking about you 所以现在我抑制不住想你 I figured out all the clues 我反复思索那些线索 So now I ask 所以现在我想问 Baby take my hand 宝贝 牵我的手 I want you to be my husband 我想你做我老公 'Cause you're my Iron Man 因为你就是我心中的钢铁侠 And I love you 3000 爱你三千遍 Baby take a chance 宝贝 抓住机会 'Cause I want this to be something 因为我想要这段感情成为经典 Straight out of a Hollywood movie 就像好莱坞的电影一样 No spoilers please 不要有压力 No spoilers please 不要有压力 Baby take my hand 宝贝 牵我的手 I want you to be my husband 我想你做我老公 'Cause you're my Iron Man 因为你就是我心中的钢铁侠 And I love you 3000 爱你三千遍 Baby take a chance 宝贝 抓住机会 冒险一试 'Cause I want this to be something 因为我想要这段感情成为经典 Straight out of a Hollywood movie Baby 就像好莱坞的电影一样 No spoilers please 不要有压力 No spoilers please 不要有压力 No spoilers please 不要有压力 And I love you 3000 爱你三千遍

Stephanie Poetri《I Love You 3000》吉他谱C调吉他弹唱谱

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